Educators Advisory Panel

The Educators Advisory Panel (EAP) was established by the Reserve Bank in 2017.

The role of the EAP is to provide expert guidance to the Bank on matters of education so as to inform the Bank's educational initiatives. The EAP will:

  • provide guidance on the Bank's strategy for public education;
  • provide feedback on educational resources, outputs and events that have been designed or commissioned by the Bank in support of its public education objectives;
  • recommend subject matter and resources for inclusion in the Bank's public education program;
  • help keep the Bank abreast of developments in curriculum and approaches to learning that have bearing on its public education program; and
  • inform the Bank of developments in the education sector that are relevant to the effective delivery of its public education program.

The Panel meets two to three times per year.


Membership of the EAP comprises the Deputy Head of Communications Department and external experts. Appointments are for a three-year term and will be reviewed at the end of that term.

Panel members
Member Organisation State
Michelle Wright (Chair) Reserve Bank of Australia NSW
Chris Burrows Economics Teachers Society of South Australia SA
Matt Dalziel Business Educators Australasia – Tasmania TAS
Christine Dowd Queensland Economics Teachers Association QLD
Penne Dawe Australian Centre for Career Education VIC
Timmee Grinham Fintona Girls’ School VIC
Assoc Prof. Mark Melatos University of Sydney NSW
Nick Ognenis School Curriculum and Standards, Department of Education – Western Australia WA
Geoffrey O’Neill Victorian Commercial Teachers Association
Business Educators Australasia
Mary Pettinger St Peter’s College SA
Prof. John Romalis Macquarie University NSW
Chantal Young Economics and Business Educators – New South Wales NSW