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Does the RBA validate the data?

Yes. The Securitisation System will apply validation rules to the data at the time of submission. Submissions that do not meet the RBA's data quality standards will not be accepted by the Securitisation System. In the event that the RBA uncovers data quality issues in its analysis of the securitisation data, IPs will also be notified and may be required to resubmit data.

The Securitisation System Validations are based on the data formats specified in the RMBS, CMBS and Other ABS XML Schemas (refer to Support Material) and on the Consolidated Reporting Guidance for RMBS, CMBS and Other ABS (refer to Data to be Reported). The validations automated in the Securitisation System include: whether No Data codes will be accepted; ensuring data are in the expected format (e.g. numeric or string); and a check that the Information Provider is authorised to submit information for that deal and that all tranches are included. The validations will be refined over time, based on the RBA's experience with data quality once reporting commences. Users of the data should be aware that the RBA doesn't guarantee the quality of the data.

For further information about the Securitisation System Validations, refer to Support Material.

Is the RBA able to advise ADIs regarding specific format questions further to guidance notes and descriptions provided with the published templates?
Implementation Arrangements Validation

The RMBS XML Schema and associated support documentation available on the Support Material page, as well as the templates published on the Data to be Reported page, detail the formats for each of the specified data fields and provide guidance on the data required to be reported.

Can you please advise if the RBA has a tolerance threshold for fields where we lack information for a small percentage of loans in a transaction?
Loan Level Data Availability Validation

The RBA will make an allowance for a small amount of missing data in information providers' reporting. This will be determined case by case.