RDP 2022-04: The Unit-effect Normalisation in Set-identified Structural Vector Autoregressions Appendix A: Derivations for Bivariate SVAR

A.1 Sign restrictions on impulse responses

This appendix derives the identified sets for the impulse responses to a unit shock under the sign restrictions on impulse responses presented in Section 3.

In the absence of any identifying restrictions, the identified set for A 0 1 (the matrix of impact impulse responses) is

(A1) A 0 1 { [ σ 11 cosθ σ 11 sinθ σ 21 cosθ+ σ 22 sinθ σ 22 cosθ σ 21 sinθ ] } { [ σ 11 cosθ σ 11 sinθ σ 21 cosθ+ σ 22 sinθ σ 21 sinθ σ 22 cosθ ] }

and the identified set for A0 is

(A2) A 0 { 1 σ 11 σ 22 [ σ 22 cosθ σ 21 sinθ σ 11 sinθ σ 21 cosθ σ 22 sinθ σ 11 cosθ ] } { 1 σ 11 σ 22 [ σ 22 cosθ σ 21 sinθ σ 11 sinθ σ 21 cosθ+ σ 22 sinθ σ 11 cosθ ] }

The impact response of the second variable to a shock that raises the first variable by one unit is

(A3) η ˜ 2,1,0 = η 2,1,0 η 1,1,0 = σ 21 cosθ+ σ 22 sinθ σ 11 cosθ = σ 21 σ 11 + σ 22 σ 11 tanθ

Consider the sign restrictions that the impulse response of the first variable to the first shock is non-negative ( η 1,1,0 e 1,2 A 0 1 e 1,2 0 ) and the impact response of the second variable to the first shock is non-positive ( η 2,1,0 e 2,2 A 0 1 e 1,2 0 ) , plus the sign normalisation diag( A 0 ) 0 2×1 . Under this set of restrictions, θ is restricted to lie within the following set:

(A4) θ{θ: σ 11 cosθ0, σ 21 cosθ σ 22 sinθ, σ 22 cosθ σ 21 sinθ} {θ: σ 11 cosθ0, σ 21 cosθ σ 22 sinθ, σ 22 cosθ σ 21 sinθ, σ 11 cosθ0}

There are two cases to consider depending on the sign of σ 21 . If σ 21 <0, the second set is empty. The first set is equivalent to

(A5) { θ:cosθ>0,tanθ σ 21 σ 22 ,tanθ σ 22 σ 21 }

This set of inequalities implies that the identified set for θ is

(A6) θ[ arctan( σ 22 σ 21 ),arctan( σ 21 σ 22 ) ]

which lies within the interval ( π/2,π/2 ). The impact response of the first variable to the first shock is η 1,1,0 = σ 11 cosθ. The lower bound of the identified set for θ is negative and the upper bound is positive, so zero lies within this identified set and cosθ attains its maximum of one. The upper bound of the identified set for η 1,1,0 is therefore σ 11 . The lower bound is attained at one of the end points of the identified set for θ and therefore satisfies

(A7) ( ϕ )=min{ σ 11 cos( arctan( σ 22 σ 21 ) ), σ 11 cos( arctan( σ 21 σ 22 ) ) } = σ 11 min{ cos( arctan( σ 22 σ 21 ) ),cos( arctan( σ 21 σ 22 ) ) } = σ 11 cos( min{ arctan( σ 22 σ 21 ),arctan( σ 21 σ 22 ) } )

where: the second line uses the fact that arctan is an odd function and cos is an even function; and the third line uses the fact that cos is increasing over ( π/2,0 ). Since arctan is an increasing function, it follows that:

(A8) η 1,1,.0 [ σ 11 cos( arctan( min{ σ 22 σ 21 , σ 21 σ 22 } ) ), σ 11 ]

This identified set excludes zero. Since η ˜ 2,1,0 is strictly increasing in θ over the interval ( π/2,π/2 ), its lower and upper bounds are attained at the end points of the identified set for θ . Plugging the end points of the identified set for θ into the expression for η ˜ 2,1,0 yields the identified set for η ˜ 2,1,0 :

(A9) η ˜ 2,1,0 [ σ 21 σ 11 + σ 22 2 σ 11 σ 21 ,0 ]

which is bounded.

Similarly, if σ 21 >0,θ is restricted to lie in the set

(A10) θ{ θ:cosθ>0,tanθ σ 21 σ 22 ,tanθ σ 22 σ 21 }{ π 2 }

The second inequality implies that tanθ0, so the last inequality never binds. The identified set for θ is therefore

(A11) θ[ π 2 ,arctan( σ 21 σ 22 ) ]

The upper bound of the identified set for θ is negative. η 1,1,0 is therefore strictly increasing over the identified set for θ , and the bounds of the identified set for η 1,1,0 are attained at the end points of the identified set for θ :

(A12) η 1,1,0 [ 0, σ 11 cos( arctan( σ 21 σ 22 ) ) ]

If σ 21 =0,θ is restricted to the set

(A13) θ{ θ:cosθ0,0 σ 22 sinθ }{ θ:0 σ 22 sinθ,cosθ0, σ 11 cosθ0 }

The first set implies θ[ π/2,0 ] and the second implies θ=π/2, so η 1,1,0 [ 0, σ 11 ]. The expression for the identified set for η 1,1,0 when σ 21 0 therefore also applies when σ 21 =0 . tanθ as θ approaches π/2 from above. tanθ is strictly increasing over the identified set for θ , so the upper bound for the identified set for η ˜ 2,1,0 is obtained by evaluating η ˜ 2,1,0 at the upper bound of the identified set for θ . Consequently, η ˜ 2,1,0 ( ,0 ].

A.2 Sign restrictions on impulse responses to multiple shocks

If we additionally impose the sign restrictions that η 1,2,0 e 1,2 A 0 1 e 2,2 0 and η 2,2,0 e 2,2 A 0 1 e 2,2 0, the parameter θ is restricted to lie within the following set:

(A14) θ{ θ: σ 11 cosθ0, σ 21 cosθ σ 22 sinθ, σ 22 cosθ σ 21 sinθ,σ 11 sinθ0 } { θ: σ 11 cosθ0, σ 21 cosθ σ 22 sinθ, σ 22 cosθ σ 21 sinθ, σ 11 cosθ0, σ 21 sinθ σ 22 cosθ, σ 11 sinθ0 }

Using working similar to that in Appendix A.1, the identified sets for θ, η 1,1,0 and η ˜ 2,1,0 are given by:

(A15) θ{ [ arctan( σ 22 σ 21 ),0 ] if σ 21 <0 [ π 2 ,arctan( σ 21 σ 22 ) ] if σ 21 0
(A16) η 1,1,0 { [ σ 11 cos( arctan( σ 22 σ 21 ) ), σ 11 ] if σ 21 <0 [ 0, σ 11 cos( arctan( σ 21 σ 22 ) ) ] if σ 21 0
(A17) η ˜ 1,1,0 { [ σ 21 σ 11 + σ 22 2 σ 11 σ 21 , σ 21 σ 11 ] if σ 21 <0 ( ,0 ] if σ 21 0

As in the case where there are sign restrictions on the impulse responses to the first shock only, the identified set for η 1,1,0 includes zero when σ 21 0 and the identified set for η ˜ 2,1,0 is unbounded.[24] In the case where σ 21 <0 , the additional sign restrictions tighten the identified set. In particular, the upper bound is now strictly less than zero (and is a differentiable function of ϕ , as discussed in Section 3.2.1).

A.3 Alternative parameterisation

Consider an alternative parameterisation of the bivariate model that directly imposes the unit-effect normalisation: y t =H ε t , where ε t N( 0 2×1 ,Ω ) ,

(A18) H=( 1 H 12 H 21 1 ) and  Ω =( ω 11 0 0 ω 22 )

Let E( y t y t )=Σ and vech( Σ )= ( Σ 11 , Σ 21 22 ) . The structural parameters ( H 12 , H 21 , ω 11 , ω 22 ) and reduced-form parameters ( Σ 11 , Σ 21 22 ) are related via Σ=HΩ H . Eliminating ω 11 and ω 22 from the system of equations yields a single equation in (H12, H21):

(A19) ( Σ 21 H 12 2 Σ 11 H 12 ) H 12 2 +( Σ 11 Σ 22 H 12 2 ) H 21 + Σ 22 H 12 Σ 21 =0

Solving for H21 as a function of H12 (using the quadratic formula) yields:

(A20) H 21 = ( Σ 11 Σ 22 H 12 2 )± ( Σ 11 Σ 22 H 12 2 ) 2 4( Σ 21 H 12 2 Σ 11 H 12 )( Σ 22 H 12 Σ 21 ) 2( Σ 21 H 12 2 Σ 11 H 12 )

Figure A1 plots the two solutions. Under the sign restrictions H 21 0 and H 12 0, the identified set for (H12, H21) lies in the lower-right quadrant. When Σ 21 <0 (Panel A), the identified set for H21 is bounded. When Σ 21 0 (Panel B), the identified set for H21 is unbounded, so unbounded identified sets may also arise when the unit-effect normalisation is directly imposed.

Figure A1: Identified Sets Under Alternative Parameterisation
Figure A1: Identified Sets Under Alternative Parameterisation

Notes: This figure depicts the solutions to Equation (A19) assuming that Σ 11 =1, Σ 22 =1 and Σ 21 =0.5or0.5. The part of the solution set depicted in the lower-right quadrant of each panel represents the identified set for (H12, H21) under the sign restrictions H 21 0and H 12 0.

A.4 Magnitude restrictions

In addition to the sign restrictions considered in Section 3 and Appendix A.1, consider the restriction that η 1,1,0 λ for some λ>0. Under this set of restrictions, θ is restricted to lie within the set:

(A21) θ{ θ: σ 11 cosθλ, σ 21 cosθ σ 22 sinθ, σ 22 θ σ 21 sinθ } { θ: σ 11 cosλ, σ 21 cosθ σ 22 sinθ, σ 22 cosθ σ 21 sinθ, σ 11 cosθ0 }

The second set is always empty, since σ 11 cosθλ and σ 11 cosθ0 cannot hold simultaneously when λ>0. The identified set for θ is empty if λ> σ 11 , since cosθ1 for all θ .

If σ 21 0 , the first set is equivalent to

(A22) θ{ θ:cosθ λ σ 11 ,tanθ σ 21 σ 22 ,tanθ σ 22 σ 22 }

The last inequality never binds and the identified set for θ is

(A23) θ[ arccos( λ σ 11 ),arctan( σ 21 σ 22 ) ]

which is contained within the interval ( π/2,0 ]. η ˜ 2,1,0 is strictly increasing over this interval, so the bounds of the identified set for η ˜ 2,1,0 are attained at the end points of the identified set for θ . The identified set for η ˜ 2,1,0 is therefore

(A24) η ˜ 2,1,0 [ σ 21 σ 11 + σ 22 σ 11 tan( arccos( λ σ 11 ) ),0 ]

The lower bound of this identified set, ( ϕ,λ ), can be expressed as[25]

(A25) ( ϕ,λ )= σ 21 σ 11 σ 22 λ ( 1 ( λ σ 11 ) 2 )

which converges to as λ approaches zero from above. The derivative of ( ϕ,λ ) with respect to λ is

(A26) ( ϕ,λ ) λ = λ 2 ( 1 ( λ σ 11 ) 2 ) 1 2

In the limit as λ approaches zero from above, this derivative approaches , which implies that the lower bound is extremely sensitive to small changes in λ when λ is close to zero.

A.5 Bounds on the FEVD

The FEV of y1t is σ 11 2 and the contribution of ε 1t to the FEV of y1t is σ 11 2 cos 2 θ. The FEVD of y1t with respect to ε 1t ,FEV D ε 1t y 1t , is therefore cos 2 θ . Consider imposing the restriction that FEV D ε 1t y 1t κ for some 0<κ1 in addition to the sign restrictions considered in Section 3 and Appendix A.1. Under this set of restrictions, θ is restricted to lie within the following set:

(A27) θ{ θ: σ 11 cosθ0, σ 21 cosθ σ 22 sinθ, σ 22 cosθ σ 21 sinθ, cos 2 θκ } { θ: σ 11 cosθ0, σ 21 cosθ σ 22 sinθ, σ 22 cosθ σ 21 sinθ, σ 11 cosθ0, cos 2 θκ }

When σ 21 0, the first set is equivalent to

(A28) θ{ θ:cosθ>0,tanθ σ 21 σ 22 ,tanθ σ 22 σ 21 ,arccos κ θarccos κ }

The inequalities tanθ σ 22 / σ 21 and θarccos κ never bind and the identified set for θ is

(A29) θ[ arccos κ ,arctan( σ 21 σ 22 ) ]

which is contained within the interval ( π/2,0 ]. η ˜ 2,1,0 is strictly increasing over this interval, so the bounds of the identified set for η ˜ 2,1,0 are attained at the end points of the identified set for θ . The identified set for η ˜ 2,1,0 is therefore

(A30) η ˜ 2,1,0 [ σ 21 σ 11 + σ 22 σ 11 tan( arccos( κ ) ),0 ]

The lower bound of this identified set, ( ϕ,κ ) , can be expressed as

(A31) ( ϕ,κ )= σ 21 σ 11 σ 22 σ 11 1κ κ

The lower bound converges to as κ approaches zero from above. The derivative of ( ϕ,κ ) with respect to κ is

(A32) ( ϕ,κ ) κ = 1 2 σ 22 σ 11 κ 3 2 ( 1κ ) 1 2

In the limit as κ approaches zero from above, this derivative approaches , which implies that the lower bound is extremely sensitive to small changes in κ when κ is close to zero.

To summarise, under the additional restriction on the FEVD, the identified set is bounded; in the absence of this restriction (or as κ converges to zero from above), the identified set is ( ,0 ].

However, as in the case where the normalising impulse response is directly bounded away from zero, the lower bound of the identified set is sensitive to the choice of κ , particularly for small values of κ ; the derivative of the lower bound tends to as κ approaches zero from above. Setting κ to some small positive number to rule out an unbounded identified set for η ˜ 2,1,0 will therefore yield an identified set that is highly sensitive to the choice of κ


The identified set for η ˜ 1,2,0 is unbounded when σ 21 <0 and bounded when σ 2 0. [24]

This follows from the fact that tan( arccosx )= x 1 1 x 2 . [25]